Friday, August 26, 2005

Here it is--my pride and joy. Mind you it's not first thing i've had to construct for my apartment, but this one deffinately caused me more grief and joy. And i included a pic of my two sided garbage can just for fun.

Trash in Japan has to be separated and taken out on different days and the system of days and garbage bag colors differs from prefecture to prefecture. So here in the north for instance, the burnables go into "red" bags and have to be put outside on Mondays and Thursdays. The non-burnables go into "green" bags and come out on Wednesdays. I have no idea what happens to the recyclables. I think there is a separate bag and a day, i've just been collecting mine and dumping them into the recycle cans near stores. Oh, and there are no litter boxes anywhere on the streets. They are only outside convenience stores and supermarkets. Some times random recycle cans appear on big streets but they're useless if you have some paper to toss. It's all a bit weird, really, but good entertainment.

tomorrow i'm off to the waterfalls again; JETs from the south are up here exploring so i'll be joining them. Then we're all off to a beer and Aisa festival in Okinawa City and then on sunday, Chikara's party at the beach. One more "vacation" weekend before school starts on Monday.


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